Carroll County Sheriff's Office & Jail - Delphi, IN

Scope: The new Carroll County Sheriff’s Office & Jail will be approximately 33,600 square feet, and it will be able to house one hundred-and-four (104) beds. The facility will be utilized for intake, booking, holding cells, evidence storage, and administrative offices.

Pauly Jail Building Company was tasked with furnishings and installing: (44) modular steel cells, security hollow metal, detention furnishings, security hardware, mezzanine, security mesh, and security glazing.

Pauly Jail Building Company Contract Amount: $4,612,508.00

Total Construction Cost: $24,940,800.00

Start Date: January 2023

Estimated Completion Date: September 2025

General Contractor: BW Construction | 615 Russell Avenue | Indianapolis, IN 46225

Architect: Elevatus Architecture | 111 E. Wayne Street, Suite 555 | Fort Wayne, IN 46802 | (260) 424-9080 Phone

Sheriff: Sheriff Tony Liggett | 310 W. Main Street | Delphi, IN 46923 | (765) 564-2413 Phone

Pauly Jail Building Company self-performs the installation of all detention equipment for every project and is signatory with the International Union of Ironworkers.

Partners that are a part of this project include:

- Accurate Controls, Inc. for Security Electronics

- Global Security Glazing for Security Glazing

- Kane Innovations for Security Mesh

- Marathon Engineering for Padded Cells

- Modern Detention Equipment for Detention Furnishings, Mezzanine & Stairs

- NORIX for Detention Equipment & Furnishings

- SteelCell of North America for Modular Steel Cells

- Titan Steel Door for Security Hollow Metal & Security Ceilings

- Willoughby Industries for Plumbing Fixtures