Eaton County Youth Facility Expansion – Charlotte, MI

Scope: Eaton County is currently undertaking a new addition to its current youth facility. The project will include roughly 14,000 square feet of new construction that will add a total of fourteen (14) new beds. The Eaton County Youth Facility is focused on rehabilitating and offering treatment to the county’s youth involved in the juvenile justice system.

Pauly Jail Building Company was tasked with furnishing and installing: security hollow metal doors, detention hardware, security glazing, detention furnishings and equipment.

Overall Construction Cost: $10,100,000.00

Pauly Jail Building Company Contract Amount: $996,417.00

Start Date: August 2023

Estimated Completion Date: August 2024

General Contractor: Granger Construction Company | 6267 S. Aurelius Road | Lansing, MI 48911 | (517) 393-1670 Phone

Architect: Byce & Associates | 306 S. Kalamazoo Mall | Kalamazoo, MI 49007 | (269) 381-6170 Phone

Sheriff: Sheriff Tom Reich | 1025 Independence Boulevard | Charlotte, MI 48813 | (517) 543-3512 Phone

Pauly Jail Building Company self-performs the installation of all detention equipment for every project and is signatory with the International Union of Ironworkers.

Partners that are a part of this project include:

- Global Security Glazing for Security Glazing

- Modern Detention Equipment for Detention Furnishings & Equipment

- NORIX for Detention Furnishings & Equipment

- Titan Steel Door for Security Hollow Metal

- Willoughby Industries for Security Hardware